Monday, November 07, 2005
Diff'rent Strokes
I promised myself that this time was going to be different. This time it was going to work. This time it was going to be good. Fun. Interesting. But here it is...a month has gone by without a post. I should've known. I'm crap at keeping a journal or even a day planner for that matter. So for all two of you that bother to read this, if you haven't given up on me by now, I'm so very sorry!
I FINALLY got my 35mm pictures developed from Paris. Heather, my travel companion, is going to be so happy. Once she picks herself up off the floor from the shock...
The trip its
elf was great. It's just the beginning and the ending that were a little rough. Here we are waiting at Atlanta-Hartsfield for my wallet to arrive! Mari, a friend of mine, dropped me off at Heather's and then Heather's boyfriend at the time dropped us at the airport. The attendant at the check-in counter asked for my identification and I couldn't find my wallet. At all. Anywhere. Talk about panic! I knew it wasn't back at home because I'd bought Mari a tank of gas on the way down. So, I called and called and called and called her. She finally hung up with whoever she was chatting with and saw the many missed calls and called me back. My wallet was indeed in her floorboard so she turned around and brought it to me. Whew!
Here's a snapshot from the front door of our hotel. We had an absolutely brea
thtaking view of the Basilica of the Sacré Coeur. The photo is completely unaltered, no photoshopping at all. The grass was just that green...the sky was just that blue. We stayed in Montmartre, the 18th arrondissement, which is apparently one of the "bad" parts of town, but we didn't have any problems...that's not even the area of the attempted but unsuccesful pickpocketing incident...little gypsy bitch. Ok, I don't mean that, but at the time I sure as heck did!
The travel bug had already started a little itching but after looking through all of the photos, I've gotten pretty much close to a full blown attack. I just seem to be on a shorter supply of the two basic travel components these days...time and money.
Football season for the club team that I play on is in full swing. "Old School" is back to defend our championship title. We are 2-1-0 right now and having a blast! I'm definitely not as young as I used to be but the soreness is worth it.
I'll try to do better about updating...I promise.
Currently listening to: Long Time Coming - Jonny Lang
I FINALLY got my 35mm pictures developed from Paris. Heather, my travel companion, is going to be so happy. Once she picks herself up off the floor from the shock...
The trip its

Here's a snapshot from the front door of our hotel. We had an absolutely brea

The travel bug had already started a little itching but after looking through all of the photos, I've gotten pretty much close to a full blown attack. I just seem to be on a shorter supply of the two basic travel components these days...time and money.
Football season for the club team that I play on is in full swing. "Old School" is back to defend our championship title. We are 2-1-0 right now and having a blast! I'm definitely not as young as I used to be but the soreness is worth it.
I'll try to do better about updating...I promise.
Currently listening to: Long Time Coming - Jonny Lang
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