Friday, July 29, 2005
Oh Captain! My Captain!

I've been trying to write this entry all week but my efforts have been dashed every time. So I guess I'll give it one last go, the ole college try.
A bunch of us went camping last weekend because that's what the burfday boy wanted to do. It was hot, hot, hot, but tons of fun all the same. I promise we didn't make him cook for us...he wanted to, and it was goo-red. Regular & wheat pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fresh coffee...of course with only one skillet it took about 3 hours and we had to eat in shifts...ah, the joys of "roughin' it"...
We went hiking in the Gee Creek Wilderness and had I known what was unfolding before my eyes, I would've documented much better. A few yards into the hike we came across the word "HI" spelled out with rocks stuck in some mud. No big deal, right? Well, a few yards down the trail we stumbled (literally) on the word "I'M" next. And a few yards more? The word "CAPT." followed by "JACK" a little further. Ok, I thought, Capt. Jack wuz here, and had some extra time on his hands, whatever, I just want to enjoy the hike. But it wasn't over. A few more yards down the trail was the word "NAVY" followed by "VET" then "FIRST" and next came "MATE" all of these were spread out enough that when you came to another word, you couldn't see the one preceding it or the one following it. We then finally reached "SOUND OFF" right as we were getting to a point where the trail opened up quite a bit. In the clearing someone had made camp, and quite an elaborate one at that. Not only were there tents, a tarp shelter, and fire pit, it was also decorated with flags and banners. There was even a Mardi Gras banner. Really? Really.
We continued on our way and passed other hikers heading back out. One particular man in the a group we passed was quite talkative and stopped to chat with us a bit. He had the Brawny Man/Grizzly Adams look only with a longer and scragglier beard. We finally went on our way and he hurried to catch u
We stopped to swim in a simply lovely spot and to enjoy the gorgeous day. After hiking a ways further, we decided to head back. Well who should we meet on the trail but Grizzly Adams. We found out that this was the infamous Capt. Jack and he wasn't part of the group of hikers we saw him with originally (which would explain their look of annoyance) but he is actually living at the aforementioned elaborate campsite. Come to find out, he had escorted that group back to their vehicles, stopped by his site to pick up his tripod and camera, then headed up to find us so we could take some photos of him jumping off a cliff into the water. So we did as he wished and then he proceeded to escort us on our way as well, talking the whole time. Well, the long and short of it is this...he was in the Navy for years, worked for Greyhound Bus Lines, is in the middle of a million dollar lawsuit with them, and is hiding out in the wilderness of the Cherokee National Forest until the lawsuit is settled so that his car doesn't get repossessed. His logic being, they can't repo it if they can't find it. Really? Really. I can't make this stuff up folks. I wish I had the time and energy to give you all of the funny strange and funny haha details but it's probably one of those you had to be there cases anyway.
Unrelated but worth mentioning...just heard Al Green - "Let's Stay Together" and The Doobie Brothers - "Black Water"...and it doesn't get much better than that for a Friday! Get out there this weekend and have you some fun!
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What a wicked insane story, yo.
Niiiice shot of the water, BTW.
I promise I'll fix yoru link, and give you your own catergory as soon as I get a moment to dive back into the code... going to sleep now, dammit. My buzz is wearing off.
G'night, durty.
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Niiiice shot of the water, BTW.
I promise I'll fix yoru link, and give you your own catergory as soon as I get a moment to dive back into the code... going to sleep now, dammit. My buzz is wearing off.
G'night, durty.
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