Friday, August 12, 2005

It's like you're always stuck in second gear... have a little something to write about but it's not that interesting. That being said, I don't know how much detail I should really give. I'm a totally detail oriented person though so I don't feel like I'm really sharing unless I spare no words and tell the whole story. Oh what I gripping life I do lead. (Detect the hint of ?)

I hostess at a restaurant on the weekends. Why? I dunno. I have a regular M-F, 8-5 gig and this doesn't supplement my income enough to make a difference but, I must admit, the extra pocket change is nice. Of course, it could be all of the shameless flirting with the college waiter boys that are way too young that keeps me there...hey, you get it where you can. Actually it's easy and pretty fun and I do love the people, it's a whole different scene.

Anyway, I worked the long shift on Sunday morning/afternoon and then went to my sister's house to do some laundry. How I ended up there and doing laundry is a whole different story...just count yourself blessed that I'm not going into that. Well, after I switched the loads over I sat down in the den bc my feet were sore from the hosting shift.

I flipped on the TV and browsed thru the channels, not really expecting to find anything. I don't have cable and don't watch much TV but from what I can recollect, Sundays aren't much of ratings explosion or anything...just NASCAR, golf, or infomercials. I tried TBS to see if there was a Braves game maybe on but Friends was on instead. And actually, aside from sucking me in for two hours, what TBS was broadcasting was pretty cool. They were playing like the last six episodes or so of the final season back to back. Now I enjoyed that sitcom when it was on, as much as I hate conforming, so I knew what happened but there had been bits and pieces that I had missed or didn't remember. And since I'm not going to buy the seasons on DVD, showing a bunch of episodes was a good idea to me.

Well like I stated, I got sucked in. Which is kinda crazy because I had stuff to do and like I also stated, I knew what was going to happen. But I found myself watching...laughing when Chandler was trying to keep Janice from buying the house next door, when Ross bribed Rachel's boss with dinosaur artifacts, Joey getting Duck Jr. and Chick Jr. and naming them those very names, Phoebe driving a cab, oh the list goes on, but I'm probably boring you. What I find the craziest though is that not only was I laughing, I found myself crying too. Crying. Crying when Monica and Chandler had twins, when they had a going away party for Rachel and she had to say goodbye to each friend individually, when Rachel said goodbye to Ross, when Ross went to the airport, when they all left their keys for the landlord, oh I could go on, but I'm positive I'm boring you. Seriously though, I don't think I even cried when I watched them originally but there I was in all my glory with kleenex galore. I know I know. I'm a freak. Got it.

I was listening to this story on the radio earlier in the week and now I'm dying to go to San Francisco just to participate in this coffee walking tour! They just made it sound like such fun. Or maybe I'm just in dire need of a vacation.

Currently listening to: Twentysomething - Jamie Cullum

Where in the hell have you been?? Hope all is well... I was going to bitch at you for not updating, but then I realized it's been a week since I have, too.

So guess what? I updated. Your turn now...


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