Tuesday, December 27, 2005

For the Love...

Talk about a Cinderella story turned ugly...what is the deal with Johnny Damon? I don't really know the concept of money being no object, other than it would be hella nice, but once a person reaches that point, is there really a difference between a shitload of money (which he was already making) and a hell of a shitload (which is apparently 52 million)? I guess it wouldn't be so bad if he was going to any other team...but the Yankees?? I mean c'mon. All I know is he'd better wear some protective gear when they play at Fenway, for the sake of his safety.

Now. Would somebody please inform Starr Jones that it's the middle of winter?!? She's lost a lot of weight, I get it. She looks great, I get it. She's proud, I don't blame her. But there's a Christmas wreath and garland lining the set behind you and you're in a SUNDRESS and SANDALS. Get some low cut form fitting sweaters or something, but leave the summer clothes in the summer closet.

Lastly. Anyone else wanna give up for the new Vonage commercials with me? (I guess you can tell I've been off work for a couple of days and able to watch some television, huh?) I mean they are stinking hilarious. For those who aren't able to recall them, I'll describe my two favorites. Both have the semi-boring and stiff spokesman doing his blurb about the service but it's the action going on behind him that is priceless. In one, a guy in a huge lobster costume is handing out flyers on the street and somehow ends up getting stuck in a revolving door. In the other, there is a man and a woman gardening but they're naked and have the appropriate areas blacked out. I'm laughing just thinking about it! Oh my side.

Currently listening to: New Millennium Blues Party - Various Artists (SOMEBODY got me in a bluesy mood...)

yeah, those vonage commercials are a kick in the pants. but, c'mon, who doesn't like to do a little nekkid gardening?

pMo? help me out here...

oh, and have you seen the latest from the buns?
Yeah, so Damon sold out. Personally, I'd have a harder time cutting the hair than going to the dark side. But honestly, I believe the deal was $52M over 4 years... compared to $40M offered by the Sox. That's a pretty big chunk of difference.

I couldn't say for sure, but I'd imagine that wifey might have had a little bit to do with it. $3mil a year buys a whole lot of Chanel, you know... The part that really bothered me about it were all the interviews with him saying that he would never, ever, for any amount of money, go to the Yanks. Whatever, Johnny Cool. No one likes you anymore since you look different, anyway. Your mystique is gone, bro...


PS- I love me some blues.
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