Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Rock the Vote
So, today is election day for the Republican and Democratic primaries here in Bradley County. And it is probably the hottest, most controversial, and interesting race in many years. Good ol' small town politics at its best...
Every busy intersection has people out holding signs and waving as cars pass by. Now my first thought is, "Why aren't these kids in school?" I picked up my niece this morning and she said, "Why are they waving at me? I don't even know them." And she actually has a very valid point. How is standing on the side of the road holding a sign going to help sway my vote? I don't think it's accomplishing much more than just having the sign posted. But whatever.
Anyway, I'm going to vote after work. Not because I'm overtly patriotic or insistent on practicing my right as a citizen...although I do appreciate both of those reasons. I was just brought up to do so. I registered to vote as soon as I turned 18. I know how the cliche goes..."every vote counts"...but mine, by itself, really doesn't. Whether I vote or not today, the results...whatever they may be, are going to be the same. My vote, standing alone, really is nothing.
But united with the other voters of like mind and opinion, that's where the beauty comes in. I've begun to realize exactly how much we differ from each other, person to person. But this is the one instance where you can come together with a large number of people and have some effect, no matter how minimal.
Besides, why not vote? There are those in the Middle East that risked their lives to vote, overcoming the fear that insurgents would kill them on their way to the polls. All I have to do is make sure I turn in my change of address before the General Election on August 3rd.

Currently listening to: 1000 Kisses - Patty Griffin
Every busy intersection has people out holding signs and waving as cars pass by. Now my first thought is, "Why aren't these kids in school?" I picked up my niece this morning and she said, "Why are they waving at me? I don't even know them." And she actually has a very valid point. How is standing on the side of the road holding a sign going to help sway my vote? I don't think it's accomplishing much more than just having the sign posted. But whatever.
Anyway, I'm going to vote after work. Not because I'm overtly patriotic or insistent on practicing my right as a citizen...although I do appreciate both of those reasons. I was just brought up to do so. I registered to vote as soon as I turned 18. I know how the cliche goes..."every vote counts"...but mine, by itself, really doesn't. Whether I vote or not today, the results...whatever they may be, are going to be the same. My vote, standing alone, really is nothing.
But united with the other voters of like mind and opinion, that's where the beauty comes in. I've begun to realize exactly how much we differ from each other, person to person. But this is the one instance where you can come together with a large number of people and have some effect, no matter how minimal.
Besides, why not vote? There are those in the Middle East that risked their lives to vote, overcoming the fear that insurgents would kill them on their way to the polls. All I have to do is make sure I turn in my change of address before the General Election on August 3rd.

Currently listening to: 1000 Kisses - Patty Griffin
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Vote Rocks! just want to leave my mark..... nice post. Makes me want to go out there and put in my vote.
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