Tuesday, February 06, 2007

And the survey says...

I just recently returned from vacationing out in Park City, Utah, which was awesome. And, I plan to blog about it soon. But, I will share this in the meantime. While I was traveling, I ran across a survey in one of the flight magazines and I thought it was interesting so I filled it out for myself.

1. I’m 29 years old but I feel like I’m…

...still college age. It’s kind of weird actually. I guess it’s maybe due to the fact that I’m still really good friends with all of my college buddies and we hang out often.

2. My first airplane trip was…

…when I was 12, from Miami to the Bahamas, all 20 minutes it took to get there!

3. My longest airplane trip was…

…the longest nonstop flight was to Israel but my longest trip was to Ukraine due to no direct flights.

4. When I was a little girl, I wanted to grow up to be…

…an oceanographer so that I could discover the Titanic.

5. Clark Kent/Superman or Bruce Wayne/Batman?

Batman…because he has sweet little Alfred, really cool gadgets and vehicles, and because Lois Lane is kind of bitchy.

6. Mary Ann or Ginger?

I’m probably a Mary Ann but I gotta tell ya, sometimes I feel like being a Ginger.

7. If I’m having a party and have to prepare one dish, it would be…

...if it were up to me, probably chocolate chip cookies, but my peers demand the corn dip and the bacon wraps.

8. Sing in the car or shower?

The car. Definitely the car. All of the time.

9. My go-to song when I’m in the mood to belt out a tune:

This changes periodically but I am almost always in the mood for a little “Lovin’ Is Really My Game” by Ann Nesby.

10. If I had to choose between Survivor and The Amazing Race, I’d rather win…

…definitely The Amazing Race. Hey wait, that totally reminds me of something…

11. If there’s 30 minutes left in my flight and I really have to go to the bathroom, I’ll…

…probably go to the bathroom, even though I’d rather hold it. It seems like I have to pee all of the time.

12. Truth or dare?


13. Some days I feel like…

…throwing in the towel.

14. If I were guaranteed not to fail, I would…

…write a smut novel.

15. If I ever make it to the International Rock, Paper, Scissors Championship, I’ll throw…


16. Junk food vice?


17. Aisle or window?


18. Tokyo or Kokomo?


19. Three things I’m thankful for:

-My family
-My friends
-My extraordinary doctor (I love her!)

20.Three things I can’t live without:

-my silver cuff bracelet…ok, I can live without it (but I don’t want to!)
-vacation days
(I’m sorry, I can’t narrow it down any further. It is quite impossible
for me to choose between the last two.)

Currently listening to: Breathe - Keller Williams

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